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Microblading is a technique created using a handheld (disposable) tool composed of very small needles in a form of a blade. The pigment is implanted into the skin by making a superficial scratch on the skin. Perfect for those clients who have normal to dry skin and already have fuller eyebrows. Not everyone is a candidate for Microblading, skin type and brow structure will help achieve the best results, submitting a picture is always helpful to book your appointment. Microblading mimics hair, therefore, make up may still need to be applied.



Perfect for those clients who have little to no hair or have had previous work. This creates an ombre effect where hair-like strokes are placed in the front of the brow, followed with shading towards the body and tail of the brow. This service is done with a powered machine which helps create a denser appearance. Please note, Microblading will look best if the client has hair towards the beginning of the brow. Combo brows is a very customizable technique, both client and artist will discuss options to obtain best design.

Lip Blush


This service is a hot up and coming procedure. Lip Blush is a semi-permanent procedure where pigment is implanted into the skin. This service is for clients that are looking for youthful and softly tinted lips.

Hyperpigmentation ? If your lips are hyper pigmented we can help achieve an even color by targeting the problem areas. This service will and might take several sessions to achieve desired look.




Powder Brows is the best service for all skin types, brow shapes and sizes. It heals very soft and will provide a powder effect. This service is best for those clients who like their brows done everyday. It is also a great alternative for those clients who are not candidates for combo brows or microblading due to their oily skin. If the client wishes to have a soft and natural effect, we can create a more softer and natural result.

Nano Brows


Nano Brows is an innovated technique that is compared to Microblading. Unlike Microblading this technique is best for all skin types due to the strokes implanted one by one using a machine.

Previous Work?


If you have previous work you can send a picture via text, email or DM, we will gladly guide you towards the correct service.

Please note if you have previous work, brows must be light enough to work on. You will be considered for Combo or Powder service.

Office Number: (951) 858-7754 / Email: kpbrowsinfo@gmail.com

Training Available


Combo Brows - Experience required

Lip Blush (coming soon)

Online Mapping Course (coming soon)